I need some help with these. I believe we may have discussed a couple details, but I'm not sure I remember correctly. Tell me if you guys have any ideas or anything to add to what I have :P
I think she was working for a computer security company, but was fired for a ridiculous reason. I was thinking that reason could be she got replaced by Johnny and got very offended because she was older with more experience and had been working at the company for a long time. After that, she would want to get revenge on the company and Johnny, which could be how we discover her (aka through my search for my brother XD)
Another way could be we need a hacker for some reason, and we force her to do something for us. Even though she is completely innocent, her company fires her anyway for helping us. She could then realize that working above the law is a lot more fun than boring old security XD
I haven't really thought much about Anna's backstory......I guess she could be bored with her job as well and want to have some more action and challenge. Or maybe she was a pilot in the air force but got kicked out. Or maybe a rich relative leaves her a helicopter or something. I dunno :P
Alina and Sarina:
I dunno much about them either.....they're kinda mysterious. Ummm........I dunno XD
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Alex and Uyenie Back Story Part 3 (The Call)
Eight years later, I’m not doing so hot. I’m homeless, I can’t find a job, and I have no money. Luckily I still have the car, my phone, and my ad in the phonebook. One gracious day, I get a phone call to fix a heater in this hotel. Gosh, I remember first walking in this lobby. I was awestruck. How did such a fancy hotel ask me to fix their heater? I walked up to the front desk. The worker recognized that I obviously wasn’t a guest, but the cheap plumber. He called using the phone with this pompous tone and look. Minutes afterwards, Alex comes to greet me. He’s told me he recognized me immediately, but I was in denial. No way could this strapping, tall young man in front of me be Alex that little brat I babysat years ago.
So he greeted me a nice smile and introduced himself as the owner of the hotel and immediately asked me to follow him to the broken heater. We didn’t exchange names. To me, it was another job. I did warn him that I was a terrible plumber, but he insisted I try.
He led me to this amazingly bright room. It was like I was stepping on heaven. The lights were coming from the tiles on the ground! There was nothing else in the room besides me, Alex, and the heater. He laughed a little when I was jumping from tile to tile. He then left me to do work on the heater.
I was staring at that thing for the longest time ever. How do I fix this??? What is this thing? I wonder if that guy has a girlfriend. What am I thinking? Focus! Well, I know this goes here…. His hair looked really black and bold like his eyes. He was really nice too, always smiling. And, oh my gosh, his chest—ah! Focus! But the weird thing, he reminds a little of Alex. He does look really similar to him. No, it couldn’t have been him. Alex fell off the face of the earth eight years ago.
So after hours and hours, the day was late and I couldn’t stay and work on it forever. I asked an employee for the owner.
“So how’s the heater coming along?” He asked with his raised eyebrows.
“Oh, it’s coming along great, by some miracle! But it’s getting late, and I shouldn’t keep working on it…. I’ll finish it by tomorrow!”
“Oh, that sounds great! I’ll have a worker show you to your room.”
“My room?” Did I tell him I was homeless? Did I miss something?
“Yeah, everyone who works here gets a complimentary room.” Yeah, they actually don’t. We would lose a lot of money if they did! He just wanted me to stay in the same building with him.
“Oh, by the way, my name is Uyenie. We never introduced ourselves,” I tried to get his name to make sure it wasn’t Alex, but he was called up. He left me with a worker.
So I was escorted to my room. I took some of my clothes from my car, because I assumed I was only going to be living her for one night. He gave me a suite! I opened the door and find freaking rich butt things! The room itself was huge! I could have an amazing dance party here. The bed was like emperor sized and had drapes covering it. The floor was a nice dark wooden color. There was a dining table fit for eight with a gold finish. What type of employee complimentary room is this?
Later that night, Alex comes to welcome me in a bell hop outfit.
“Why are you dressed up as a bell hop?” I was confused, yet pleased by this outfit.
“It’s the only way for me to walk around this hotel.” He carried in a cart full of midnight snackage.
“I, I don’t think I can accept this room. It’s way too nice,” I felt guilty. I started packing my stuff to leave. A homeless loser like I did not deserve this.
He watched me pack up a little, with this look of losing something he loved. “No, don’t leave. I don’t want you to leave. Please. It’s the least I can do.” By this time, I was really confused.
“What have I done for you? You’re paying me to fix your heater.”
“You don’t remember me?” He stares into my eyes, all watery. By then I knew it was him. “Uyenie, it’s me, Alex.”
Alex and Uyenie Back Story Part 2 (Leaving)
So I continued to babysit him and raise him. I made loads of mistakes: taking home boyfriends and doing naughty things to them while Alex was “asleep”. But all in all, it was a good time. I would always have to sleep with him, or else he’d stay up all night.
One day, when Alex was nine, he had to leave with his parents to somewhere. I would have collected enough money to get my own place and go to college to be a plumber. When I woke up that day, Alex had drawn a face on my arm.
“I’m gonna get you for this, Alex!” He jumped out of bed and ran out the door. “Don’t think you can run from me! Get back here! Listen to your babysitter!” I ran after him, picking up the wooden back scratcher with me. “Don’t make me use this!”
He was a slippery kid, but I tackled him to the floor. As punishment, I locked him up in a garden shed. He was screaming and clawing at the door.
“Don’t draw on people when they sleep! You got that?” Then he was quiet. I knew Alex wasn’t a bad kid, so I opened the door. I found him sitting on the floor with his head buried in his arms. I sat by him.
“Hey, Alex, what’s wrong?” I made a small effort to move his arms out.
“Nothing. Nothing’s wrong,” he sniffled out. Tears started forming into his eyes.
“Hey, come on. You can tell me. Let’s go inside first.” I carried him back into the mansion and set him by the piano. He always felt better after playing. He stared at the keys, got comfortable on the bench, and gently lifted his hands onto the piano. I sat on the couch right beside it and watched him play. His face turned from sad to indifferent as his fingers scaled up and down the instrument. Then he stopped and stared at the keys as tears started falling from his eyes.
“Alex! What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I walked over to him and sat by him on the bench. He wouldn’t look up at me; he just stared at the keys.
“Daddy says we have to go.” He paused and looked up at me with those watery eyes. “He said you can’t come with.” Tears bursted out of his eyes. “I don’t want to leave!”
I looked at him, shocked. I had no idea he would be that devastated with this, but I guess I did raise him. “Alex, don’t cry. I don’t want to see you sad. I want to remember you happy.”
“I don’t want you to go away! I, I love you.” He starts crying on my shoulder.
“Hey, Alex, we’ll meet up again one day, I promise we will. I love you too. We’ll meet up.” I kissed him on the head. Of course when I told him I loved him back then, it was a motherly love. I never thought I’d end up marrying him. He cheered up. Then the car came for him to go to the airport, and I was left there to pack my stuff and leave.
Nichole's back story... part 2
The interview was over... And Nichole felt safe. She had fielded her parent's questions with ease, pretending she was the innocent 12 year old her parents thought they knew and loved. As she climbed back up the spiral staircase to her room, she paused and looked back down. Her parents had moved on to interviewing the household staff. A momentary flash of panic hit her. What if someone innocent died because she forgot to close the office door? She couldn't let that happen. She ran the rest of the way to her room and slammed the door shut. She always felt better when she wrote things down; it made her feel like the plan was already in action before she had even thought of it. As she scribbled down notes about anything, and everything, she knew about cover-ups (which amounted to very little), she heard two shots ring out downstairs.
Nichole sprinted clumsily down the staircase, stopping at the landing. Immediately she saw Farren, the family gardener, standing over her dead parents. They were slumped over the desk they had been sitting at, the desk Nichole had broken into. Farren's eyes flashed to Nichole, and fear seized her. She had always trusted Farren (she had no reason not to), but the Smith and Wesson in his hands led her to believe he had shot her parents. There was a moment of silence, and Nichole realized she couldn't move, even though she desperately wanted to. Finally Farren spoke, speaking in his low and calm voice, "I'm sorry, I had no choice. They were going to kill me, I don't know why". Nichole let out her breath. "Farren, I... I didn't know you knew how to shoot guns". It was a stupid thing to say, she knew, but the sight of her dead parents was almost too much for the 12 year old to handle.
Farren led the confused girl outside the office. No one was supposed to see that, especially not his bosses' daughter. Now, what to do with the bodies? What to do with Nichole? He hadn't thought this very well through, though to be fair, he didn't have any time to. He turned to survey the young girl, who stared dumbly back at him. "I'm so sorry. I'm..." He turned from her, because he knew if she started crying, all would be ruined. No one else had heard the shots, but someone would surely hear the young girl wailing; all of the staff had been trained to respond instantly if Nichole had ever wanted anything. While Farren sorted through his thoughts, Nichole suddenly regained her mental faculties. No, it wasn't a tragedy that he shot her parents! She really didn't have any attachment to them, because nannies had raised her from birth. And any danger they might have posed to her was now gone. She turned to Farren, who eyed her, and spoke the words that would forever change her life: "Can you teach me to shoot?"
In the months that passed after the accident, Farren and Nichole bonded quickly. This was the first time in her life that she felt a connection to someone. Though she still called him by his first name, she really felt he was her new father. They went out shooting almost everyday, and Nichole was quickly honing her natural talent. She still was able to act, though, and it saved both of their lives once again. In the hours after the incident, Farren had called the police. When they arrived, Nichole, tear-stained, walked them to the office. She made a point of crying hysterically: it seemed natural to her that a young kid would be distraught in a situation like this, and it also distracted the cops. The cops didn't stay long: they had medics take the bodies, and they questioned Farren and Nichole. Neither admitted to anything, claiming that some masked man had run quickly into the house and shot the couple. It wouldn't be hard to believe, because Nichole's parents had many enemies, and the bullets were untraceable. Custody was given to Farren, because Nichole had no living relatives, and it was what she requested. The house, the cars, everything, was now hers. She liquidated her parent's assets (the legal ones, anyways), and prepared herself for the life that awaited her. It would be different, sure, but far more enjoyable. She would never again have to wonder if her life was in jeopardy, and never have to tip-toe around her parents.
She held the gun in her hand, and glanced at the target. She liked the weight of the gun in her hand, and she liked that Farren now trusted her to shoot without him breathing over her shoulder. She cocked the gun, took one more glance at the red and white target many feet away, and squeezed the trigger. Of course the bullet hit the bulls-eye, she had known it would. She turned and grinned at Farren, who nodded back at her. She had a good eye and a steady hand, and it was due to this that Farren presented a new challenge to her. She could handle one gun fine, but how about two? Was her left hand as steady as her right? Was her focus strong enough? Farren decided, what the hell, why not? It surely couldn't hurt to find out. And it was in this manner that the two spent the rest of her adolescent life.
Ok sorry, the ending sucks, but I couldn't figure out how else to end it :p
Nichole sprinted clumsily down the staircase, stopping at the landing. Immediately she saw Farren, the family gardener, standing over her dead parents. They were slumped over the desk they had been sitting at, the desk Nichole had broken into. Farren's eyes flashed to Nichole, and fear seized her. She had always trusted Farren (she had no reason not to), but the Smith and Wesson in his hands led her to believe he had shot her parents. There was a moment of silence, and Nichole realized she couldn't move, even though she desperately wanted to. Finally Farren spoke, speaking in his low and calm voice, "I'm sorry, I had no choice. They were going to kill me, I don't know why". Nichole let out her breath. "Farren, I... I didn't know you knew how to shoot guns". It was a stupid thing to say, she knew, but the sight of her dead parents was almost too much for the 12 year old to handle.
Farren led the confused girl outside the office. No one was supposed to see that, especially not his bosses' daughter. Now, what to do with the bodies? What to do with Nichole? He hadn't thought this very well through, though to be fair, he didn't have any time to. He turned to survey the young girl, who stared dumbly back at him. "I'm so sorry. I'm..." He turned from her, because he knew if she started crying, all would be ruined. No one else had heard the shots, but someone would surely hear the young girl wailing; all of the staff had been trained to respond instantly if Nichole had ever wanted anything. While Farren sorted through his thoughts, Nichole suddenly regained her mental faculties. No, it wasn't a tragedy that he shot her parents! She really didn't have any attachment to them, because nannies had raised her from birth. And any danger they might have posed to her was now gone. She turned to Farren, who eyed her, and spoke the words that would forever change her life: "Can you teach me to shoot?"
In the months that passed after the accident, Farren and Nichole bonded quickly. This was the first time in her life that she felt a connection to someone. Though she still called him by his first name, she really felt he was her new father. They went out shooting almost everyday, and Nichole was quickly honing her natural talent. She still was able to act, though, and it saved both of their lives once again. In the hours after the incident, Farren had called the police. When they arrived, Nichole, tear-stained, walked them to the office. She made a point of crying hysterically: it seemed natural to her that a young kid would be distraught in a situation like this, and it also distracted the cops. The cops didn't stay long: they had medics take the bodies, and they questioned Farren and Nichole. Neither admitted to anything, claiming that some masked man had run quickly into the house and shot the couple. It wouldn't be hard to believe, because Nichole's parents had many enemies, and the bullets were untraceable. Custody was given to Farren, because Nichole had no living relatives, and it was what she requested. The house, the cars, everything, was now hers. She liquidated her parent's assets (the legal ones, anyways), and prepared herself for the life that awaited her. It would be different, sure, but far more enjoyable. She would never again have to wonder if her life was in jeopardy, and never have to tip-toe around her parents.
She held the gun in her hand, and glanced at the target. She liked the weight of the gun in her hand, and she liked that Farren now trusted her to shoot without him breathing over her shoulder. She cocked the gun, took one more glance at the red and white target many feet away, and squeezed the trigger. Of course the bullet hit the bulls-eye, she had known it would. She turned and grinned at Farren, who nodded back at her. She had a good eye and a steady hand, and it was due to this that Farren presented a new challenge to her. She could handle one gun fine, but how about two? Was her left hand as steady as her right? Was her focus strong enough? Farren decided, what the hell, why not? It surely couldn't hurt to find out. And it was in this manner that the two spent the rest of her adolescent life.
Ok sorry, the ending sucks, but I couldn't figure out how else to end it :p
Monday, August 29, 2011
Alex and Uyenie Back Story Part 1 (Babysitting)
In the hotel lobby, Uyenie is sitting by everyone laughing obnoxiously, making a scene. Suzy looks quite annoyed by her. After all, how can a mere person understand what they have been through?
Jennifer amuses her, “So how did you and your wonderful husband meet?”
“Oh my gosh! We’ve known each other like forever. You might get a little freaked out, but I used to be his babysitter. He was only four when we met, and I thirteen….
I was called in for a babysitting job. I was the best in the entire town, even though I was only thirteen. It was really weird working for Alex’s family. The house was huge, extravagant! I guess it would be a mansion. Gosh, his parents must have been loaded! So I walk into the door, and this butler escorts me to this huge, yet dark room.
The chair was faced the opposite way, I never got to see Alex’s father. He interviewed me: asked me questions on how I would raise his child and how busy my schedule was and stuff like that. After he finished, we sat there for a few minutes in silence. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to leave or stay there, so I started getting up.
He said, “Wait, Uyenie, if you can clear all of your schedules including school and live here, I’ll give you 500 a week.” How can I turn down money? I would be insane to! Plus my parents never really cared what I did or where I went. All they did was fight, I was glad to leave the house. I took the job!
The butler then escorted me to Alex’s room. Wow it was huge! It was the cutest thing ever! There were cute little giraffes painted on the walls. The stuffed animals were huge! If they were alive, they would eat me and explode! Since they were already stuffed all the way. Alex was sleeping in his little elephant covered bed. Oh the little angel slept so peacefully.
I found a rocking chair and sat there, waiting to meet my new life for the next five years of my life. I couldn’t stay awake though. I dozed off. I had to ride my bike all the way there and it was like three in the morning when I woke up.
As my eyes opened, I see this brat staring at me.
“Daddy brought me a wife, he did!” he said with hope beaming over his face. I was freaked out by this statement. Who would want a four year old kid falling in love with you when you’re thirteen?
“Um, no, honey. I’m your babysitter, Uyenie,” I said, trying to pry him off from hugging me. He always knew we were going to get married.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Born to Run
Well....on the car ride up to Reno, I was listening to the Boss and a bunch of his songs inspired me to do some F-Team pics with corresponding song titles. This is supposed to be Nichole on a motorcycle, but the perspective and her womanly figure are messed up. Oh well...........who likes the sagebrush?? :D That's pretty much the scenery around here XD
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Random Doodle
Nichole's Backstory... Part 1
The wind was blowing strongly when Nichole snuck into her parents office. She was usually a calm person, but the wind caused the 12 year old to shiver. This was the moment she had been waiting for: her parents were on a "business trip", meaning Nichole had the mansion to herself for a couple of days, minus the servants. She tiptoed to the desk, where she knew her parents kept the finance records. She slowly pulled out the first drawer (careful to wait the required 5 seconds to bypass the security alarm), and exhaled the breath she didn't know she was holding. It was very important to her that she find out what her parents did for a living; she suspected their "business" wasn't exactly on the up-and-up. As she lifted the first set of folders onto the desk, she knew she had found something... She just didn't know what it was. On the cover of the folder were the words "Change APR for Dannie Mason" and "Santa Anita on Saturday". Nichole stuffed the folder in her sidebag, shut the drawer, and ran from the room. Her parents wouldn't be back for a couple of days... She could figure out what those notes meant later.
While she slept, her parents pulled into their massive driveway. It had been a successful trip; All four horses that Nichole's dad bet on won, though he had known they would in advance. Nichole's mother was pleased too, for she had a particularly lucrative week at the bank that she owned. It was this mood that the two parents made their way through the front door and around the leather sofa in the living room... It was this mood that almost made them miss the obvious signs of intrusion in their office. As their pleased moods quickly wore off, they noticed the door slightly ajar, and inside they saw a drawer askew. They panicked; all their most intimate and damning paperwork was in that desk. Immeadiately they sent orders to summon everyone in the household, and this included Nichole.
Her heart pounded. "Mom and Dad aren't supposed to be back yet! Oh God, how could I have left the door open? They'll figure out it's me..." She tried to compose her thoughts, because she knew that if her parents even suspected she was involved, it would mean her life. Her parents had no loyalty except to money, and she knew that lately, she had been costing her parents more money than she had been making. As her parents motioned her over, she resolved that she wouldn't let them figure out what she had done. "I'm going to fool them until I can figure out what they're doing. I won't let them catch me." Her resolve, rather mature for a 12 year old, was due to the fact that she knew her parents couldn't prove it was her. She had always wanted to be an actress, and she knew that if she didn't succeed in her first role as an innocent preteen, it could be her last role. Ever.
Part two will be coming later lol :)
While she slept, her parents pulled into their massive driveway. It had been a successful trip; All four horses that Nichole's dad bet on won, though he had known they would in advance. Nichole's mother was pleased too, for she had a particularly lucrative week at the bank that she owned. It was this mood that the two parents made their way through the front door and around the leather sofa in the living room... It was this mood that almost made them miss the obvious signs of intrusion in their office. As their pleased moods quickly wore off, they noticed the door slightly ajar, and inside they saw a drawer askew. They panicked; all their most intimate and damning paperwork was in that desk. Immeadiately they sent orders to summon everyone in the household, and this included Nichole.
Her heart pounded. "Mom and Dad aren't supposed to be back yet! Oh God, how could I have left the door open? They'll figure out it's me..." She tried to compose her thoughts, because she knew that if her parents even suspected she was involved, it would mean her life. Her parents had no loyalty except to money, and she knew that lately, she had been costing her parents more money than she had been making. As her parents motioned her over, she resolved that she wouldn't let them figure out what she had done. "I'm going to fool them until I can figure out what they're doing. I won't let them catch me." Her resolve, rather mature for a 12 year old, was due to the fact that she knew her parents couldn't prove it was her. She had always wanted to be an actress, and she knew that if she didn't succeed in her first role as an innocent preteen, it could be her last role. Ever.
Part two will be coming later lol :)
Monday, August 15, 2011
Which stands for Friend's Character Crossover Project!! So basically, Suzy and Monica gave me this idea. It's kinda like Uyenie's DeviantArt ID. As of right now, the three characters I will be using are: MLP:FIM fan characters, Uyenie's Pokemon comic characters, and our F-Team characters. I need some ideas for how each of you guys wants me to do these, if you want one. Also, if there are other fan characters that I missed that you think I should add, I will. The "orders" I have so far.
- Suzy: standing with rocket launcher with baby dragon sitting on it breathing fire and Beedrill perched on shoulder
- Monica: sitting on the ground with Phoebe chewing on her hair and Pluto and Growlithe fighting next to them
- Nichole: with Doduo, Captain Kirk, Hannibal, Face, and Mushroom (the pegasus)
- Laura: Sitting on Bluebottle with Mankey on shoulder holding a knife
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Laura/Jennifer's Past Part 4
Now this is from Jennifer's point of view. I probably won't ever go into the details of her family's death, cause that's a bit gruesome. Anyway, this keeps becoming less like a story and more like me just listing how stuff happened. Oh well. There are plenty of awkward sentences in there. Feel free to point them out.
As soon as Jennifer laid eyes on Laura, she knew that she would be useful. It was obvious that she held little trust in the establishment, so she would be unlikely to confide in those that could spoil Jennifer’s plans. Jennifer decided to test her, so she used the oldest trick in the book; the fake handshake. Laura easily fell for it. It was now apparent that she was more than gullible enough for Jennifer’s purposes.
Instead of enlisting her right away, Jennifer decided to scope out the orphanage and learn as much as she could about Laura. Going to the orphanage had not been in her plans, but she would have to make the best of it. It certainly made getting food and shelter more convenient than before. It was hard for a girl her age to live on the streets, but she had managed. The day she got sent to the orphanage she had been hanging out near a local deli when she was picked up by some police officers that had been snooping around. It had been nearing midnight when they saw her. They pulled over and asked her why a little girl like her wasn’t at home. Before they could even get close to her she ducked into a nearby alley and started running. The policemen, in the mood for some excitement, got out of their cruiser and gave chase on foot. Jennifer might be fast, but she wasn’t fast enough to outrun two inner city officers.
One of the officers grabbed her by the back of her shirt and picked her up. Fear coursed through Jennifer as memories of her previous encounters with police flooded her mind. “We asked you a question you little brat,” the officer holding her up snarled.
The other continued, panting heavily, “where’s your house? We’ll give you a lift home.”
Jennifer knew if she revealed that she was living on the streets that she would be done for. She tightened her lips and began struggling violently. The second officer grabbed both of her arms in one of his meaty hands. “Ya know what?” the second officer drawled, “I think I’ve seen this one around before. She’s the one Sherman caught hiding out in that abandoned lot last month.”
“Ah, I think you may be right,” the first agreed. “Welp, we’d better take her to the station. They’ll find a nice place for her.”
The two officers dragged her down to the police station and then all the way to one of the many broken down city orphanages. Jennifer looked up at the faded brick face of the small, dirty orphanage. An angry, heavyset woman met them at the door. The officer finally released his tight grip on her upper arm, and Jennifer sprang away from him, rubbing her arm. The woman led her with a firm grip on her shoulder into the bowels of the building. She was taken upstairs to her new room, where she met Laura.
The day Laura attempted to follow her, she had been planning to visit the place where she had been taught how to navigate the streets. It was a small building in the bad part of town, frequented by those that put little stock in the law. It was mostly used for underground poker games. Drugs and whores and shady transactions were also a common sight. Jennifer had stumbled upon this place by total accident. She had been wandering the streets, searching for a good alley to spend the night. It was a particularly cold night, and when it began to rain, Jennifer knew she had to find some sort of shelter. She ducked under the overhang that loomed over the door of that very building. In the morning when the door was opened, she was found, passed out on the doorstep. Not knowing what else to do, they dragged her inside and left her lying there.
When she came to it was well into the night and the poker game was in full swing. Curious, she wandered over to the table. None of the people paid her any mind. Eventually a scantily dressed woman brought her a small piece of bread, which she gratefully took and began to nibble on. She remained in the building for weeks, always managing to get some sort of scraps out of the poker players or their whores who took pity on her. Each night she watched the poker games. Soon she had a thorough understanding of the game and they began to let her sit at the table in order to watch better.
One night she shyly asked one of the players if she could join in. Everybody at the table laughed, but the man she had asked gave her one chip to play with. With that single chip, she held her own. Soon they began to realize that she had some basic skills at the game. At the end of the game, they even allowed her to cash in her chips, thinking it amusing that such a small child could make money at poker. This soon became a habit of hers. Each night, she made more money. She kept it in a large pouch under her shirt. She could now afford her own food and never had to worry about going hungry. She became a sort of mascot for the criminals that gathered in that building.
The man who had given her that original poker chip took a liking to her. He taught her everything she needed to know to survive on the streets. He even showed her how to properly shoot a gun, just in case she ever needed to defend herself. She turned out to be quite a good shot.
Even after she was placed in the orphanage and forced to go to school, she continued to come back to play poker. She hid her earnings inside her mattress. Each year for her birthday, those at the poker table thought it was funny to get her some sort of present. They usually bought her knives, so eventually she amassed a large collection. These she also began stashing in her mattress.
Eventually she had enough savings to purchase a small handgun. This she kept in her pillowcase. She continued to maintain good grades to keep from suspicion.
Laura's Past Part 3
More!!! I'll probably keep posting this as I finish each portion. Let me know if there are any mistakes or if anything is redundant. (Try to ignore the fact that Jennifer is extremely well-spoken for a ten/eleven year old. I know it's ridiculous, but it amuses me.)
As the weeks went on, Laura began to notice that Jennifer was never at the orphanage in her free time. Most of the girls either sat in their rooms talking or waited in the dining hall until the next meal was prepared. Although Laura never saw her do any of her homework, it was common knowledge that Jennifer got perfect grades and was the top of her class. Finally, Laura got fed up with her curiosity and decided to just follow her to find out for herself.
After school one day Laura began to follow behind Jennifer at what she figured was a safe distance. She kept walking, keeping her head down. Suddenly, when she checked to see where Jennifer was heading, she had disappeared. Surprised, Laura kept heading in the same direction she had already been going. She kept searching for a few blocks, but was unable to pick up Jennifer’s track. Disappointed, Laura headed back to the orphanage.
After returning to the orphanage, Laura climbed up the stairs to her room. When she opened the door, she discovered Jennifer, sitting cross-legged on the floor, with a large assortment of knives spread out around her. Jennifer turned and caught Laura’s eye. Laura quickly suppressed the admiring look that had spread over her face at the sight of such a superb array of knives. Jennifer smirked, and Laura knew she had not been quick enough to hide her emotions. Laura coughed, and said in an attempt at an airy tone, “Well, I guess I’ll finally be rid of you. All I have to do is report you to Ms. Philips and you’ll be kicked out for sure. Weapons aren’t allowed here.”
Jennifer seemed amused by this. She replied, “I’ll just pull you down with me. Who seems more trustworthy? The perfect student, or the girl who hardly ever shows up to class, let alone does her homework.”
Laura flinched. She knew Jennifer was right. It was also no secret that Ms. Philips disliked her.
“Not to mention,” Jennifer continued, “you were the one caught with the knife and your father’s blood on your hands. Nobody can deny your affinity for knives.”
Laura froze. “How the hell do you know about that?” she whispered venomously.
“Oh, I keep my ears open,” Jennifer said lightly. “It’s amazing what adults will say when they think children aren’t listening.”
Laura began shaking in fear and anger. “Okay, what do you want from me? It’s obvious I’m going to have to do something for you.”
Jennifer smirked again. “I would appreciate it if you would drop your curiosity about where I go after school. It’s better for both of us if I’m the only person here who knows.” Laura narrowed her eyes, but let Jennifer continue, “I would also like you to start doing your homework and pay attention in class. Like I said before, better students are under less scrutiny from higher-ups.”
Laura huffed, “there’s no way I’m-”
Jennifer held up a hand, “let me finish. Since we share a room, I would like you to be under less suspicion from teachers and orphanage staff. If they decide to search our room because of you, certain personal items of mine will be compromised. I don’t believe what I ask of you is that difficult.”
“Now wait just one second here-” Laura began to protest.
“Before you refuse,” Jennifer cut her off, “there’s something in it for you. If you can follow through with these requests, I can give you some of these knives. I honestly don’t have much use for them. I may be able to part with all of these fine knives if you could also help me with a couple of other things.”
“You’ve caught my interest,” Laura said, eyeing the knives. “Exactly what sort of things do you need help with?”
Monday, August 8, 2011
Poker Face
These are the kindred souls who taught Jennifer how to play poker. Don't they look friendly? (and not in the least bit moronic?) Don't laugh at me, I can't draw badass very well.......and I honestly don't know if the person on the left is a guy or a girl.....it's a mystery.......
Jennifer and Laura
Hey look at the little orphan losers >:D Okay, I guess either the school or the orphanage has a sort of dress code/uniform which consists of oversize, ugly sweaters and gray skirts.
Map of our fictional city/town area.
Ya, so this is a rough map of how I imagined the area we live in. Each different colored area is like a different section, kinda. Like Burroughs in New York. Kinda. I didn't name anything either, we can come up with that later, i guess.
Pink-This is the major metropolitan centre of the area we live in. It's the upper class, sky scraper part of the city. This is where the hotel(F-team Headquarters) is located. It's basically your stereotypical big city.
Brown- This is the industrial part of the city. It is mostly factories, slaughterhouses and warehouses, with a liberal sprinkling of crackhouses. There is little to no housing in this area. A lot of gang/mob activity occurs here.
Grey- These are the low class and slums of the city. Basically your stereotypical slums. Lots of crime and some gangs and what not.
Orange- This is your middle class suburban areas. Wealth levels vary but there is no part here that really qualify as true lower class or true upper class. This is where most of the ethnic ghettos are, like China Town, Little Italy, etc. This is generally considered the "safer" part of our town/city, so the F-team generally doesn't have much official business here.
Yellow- This is the upper class/upper middle class beach area. I see it as very similar to Huntington and Newport beach. This is a heavy party area and there are a lot of drugs in this area.
Bright green- This is mostly rural and farming area. Most of the land isn't great for growing crops but there are many farms that raise livestock. This area extends beyond the river where my map cuts off but i didn't feel like drawing that.
Dark Green- This is, I guess, kind of a college area. Mostly low rent apartments and libraries. I couldn't really think of what to put there so this is able to be changed.
Sorry, this is kind of a crappy map, i'm not a cartographer, but i'm going to try and do a more detailed map of each area including major landmarks and important F-team points. If you have ideas about anything. comment so i can fix it or add it to my next maps!!
Yes, I just happened to have the Mission Impossible theme song stuck in my head. >.> Problem officer?
Sleep with the fishies :D
I dunno what this is. I guess it's one of our enemy's lairs. He's probably really rich so he has gigantic fish tanks all over the place cause it looks cool. He feeds his enemies to his babies (aka the sharks).
Random doodle. The color scheme is just random, so it can be changed whenever. Of course either Nichole or Laura left the A-Team on the Tv :D I got lazy with the view out the window and just used a picture off the internet XD.
Laura's Past Part 2
More of the same...it's a bit convoluted. For that, I apologize.
“So they have no living relatives?”
“None that we know of.”
Laura could hear adult voices through the haze of drug-induced sleep. It sounded as though they were discussing Johnny’s and her future.
“Unfortunately the only local orphanages are organized by gender. They never have very much space in the first place. They will have to be placed in separate facilities.”
Something about being separated? Was that what they were talking about? Laura was terrified. She tried to sit up, but found her limbs weighed too much, and her head was too heavy to lift. They can’t take Johnny away from me! She silently screamed, and began struggling. She felt a sharp pain in the crook of her arm and then she faded back into sleep.
When she awoke completely, she found herself propped up on a small, child-sized bed. A plump, harassed-looking woman sat on a bed opposite from her. Laura immediately began asking questions, “Where is Johnny? Where is my brother?” As the lady watched Laura with hardened eyes, Laura could feel herself growing angrier. She began shouting, “Where is my little brother?! What have you done with him!?!”
“He’s not here,” the lady answered simply, with no trace of sympathy in her voice.
“I know he’s not here, but where is he?” Laura asked again, enraged.
“That is none of your concern. He will be well taken care of.” The lady brushed aside all of Laura’s questions with a sweep of her hand. “You will be living here now. You are expected to be a well-behaved young woman. This orphanage is run completely off of donations, so you should be thankful.” Laura made a sound as if she were about to protest, but the lady continued on as if she couldn’t hear her. “You will be expected to go to school, make good grades, listen to your caretakers, do your chores, and learn to be a use to society.” The lady looked down at the watch on her wrist. “Dinner will be at six o’clock, sharp. Be there on time, or you don’t eat.” She stood up to leave. “You will receive a schedule tomorrow morning. You must complete all items on that list in a timely manner. Everybody here is expected to do their part.”
Laura sat up in her room, fuming. She began planning a way to escape this horrible place to find her brother. She thought of her father, and shivered. Had he died? Had he escaped? Did the police capture him? Where was her mother’s body? Would there be a funeral? The only things Laura knew about funerals were from movies, but she didn’t know much about the details of one.
She figured that she might as well get used to her surroundings and learn to take advantage of her new situation. At six she made sure she was down in the dining hall. The other girls had already formed into small groups of friends. They all looked at her suspiciously whenever they thought she wasn’t looking. She sat at a corner table, facing a wall. She endured the stares of the whole room, quickly ate her food, and then went upstairs to her room. She cried herself to sleep that night, thinking of her mother and her brother.
She obediently did her chores each day, but refused to go to school. The lady who ran the orphanage, Ms. Philips, Laura eventually learned was her name, would berate her for skipping out on school. She would often refuse to feed Laura if she found out that she had skipped out on school once again. Laura soon became so hungry that she forced herself to attend school. She would sit through her classes, but she refused to absorb the information given to her. Her homework remained undone. Seeing as no laws were being broken now that Laura was attending school, Ms. Philips left her to her own devices.
After a few months of living like this Ms. Philips came in to speak to her. Behind her trailed a small girl, about the same age as Laura. The girl’s dark, brown eyes were full of mischief and cunning. Laura glared at these intruders into her small space. “Alright Laura, this is our newest member. She will be sharing this room with you. You will teach her how we do things here, and you will get along.” And with that, Ms. Philips left the two girls alone.
Laura huffed and turned her back on this other girl. She had enjoyed the small semblance of privacy the cramped room had provided her, but now, even that was gone. “Well,” the other girl said slyly, “I already know your name.” When Laura didn’t answer, she went on, “well, anyway, I’m Jennifer.” Laura turned back around to face her. Jennifer’s hand was outstretched, as if to give a formal handshake. Laura tentatively reached her hand out to shake it, but right as she did so, Jennifer moved her hand to push her hair out of her eyes. She gave Laura and evil grin, finding pleasure in tricking her. Laura huffed again and went and sat on her bed. During dinner that night, the two of them sat together although they exchanged not a single word.
Based on Laura's "Rope Doodle" Part 2
Sorry that I'm entering this in really small portions, but it's the only way I will remember to put stuff up here
Mission: Get attacked by Doug's Dogs
“What do you need me to do?” She smiled innocently; trying to ignore the fact she was undeniably about to commit several felonies.
“Police evidence database.” That was the only thing Natalie needed to know. She pushed her glasses up her nose and set to work with a satisfied smirk on her face, eager for the challenge that she was about to face
Nichole finally slouched into a chair while everyone waited with baited breath for Natalie to access the database that would allow the team to fortify their plans. Despite the tension, they slowly and quietly began to formulate a plan out loud, rather than just in the deep, convoluted recesses of their individual minds.
They had plenty of details on the police headquarters stored in their endless archives of information but they had never tried a full scale break in on the headquarters before. Everyone was worried about whether or not they could pull it off effectively but their plans continued to pull together, nonetheless. An air vent on the roof would be an easy access point that would allow them to take advantage of Anna and her helicopter and give them and easy access point. It also gave them a way to enter without being forced to climb a fence topped with barbed wire. From there, the combination civilian cars and cop cars they could see around the station from the air, along with a list compiled after months of recon, would tell them which officers were on duty and which were currently employed in the field, giving them a better idea of what would be awaiting them and how to handle it. Inside, depending on which officers were on duty, they might be able to walk straight in and break open the evidence lockers to get rid of what they needed but it was equally as likely that they would have to subdue several armed officers before they were able to access the evidence they needed.
Whatever happened, while Natalie busied herself hacking, everyone else planned on how to handle it. They had plans to deal with every plausible turn their mission could take and many implausible ones as well.
“Got it!” Natalie exclaimed, quickly followed by a sign of relief. The smirks of joy quickly spread across every face in the room as they realized they now had a huge advantage.
“Police evidence database.” That was the only thing Natalie needed to know. She pushed her glasses up her nose and set to work with a satisfied smirk on her face, eager for the challenge that she was about to face
Nichole finally slouched into a chair while everyone waited with baited breath for Natalie to access the database that would allow the team to fortify their plans. Despite the tension, they slowly and quietly began to formulate a plan out loud, rather than just in the deep, convoluted recesses of their individual minds.
They had plenty of details on the police headquarters stored in their endless archives of information but they had never tried a full scale break in on the headquarters before. Everyone was worried about whether or not they could pull it off effectively but their plans continued to pull together, nonetheless. An air vent on the roof would be an easy access point that would allow them to take advantage of Anna and her helicopter and give them and easy access point. It also gave them a way to enter without being forced to climb a fence topped with barbed wire. From there, the combination civilian cars and cop cars they could see around the station from the air, along with a list compiled after months of recon, would tell them which officers were on duty and which were currently employed in the field, giving them a better idea of what would be awaiting them and how to handle it. Inside, depending on which officers were on duty, they might be able to walk straight in and break open the evidence lockers to get rid of what they needed but it was equally as likely that they would have to subdue several armed officers before they were able to access the evidence they needed.
Whatever happened, while Natalie busied herself hacking, everyone else planned on how to handle it. They had plans to deal with every plausible turn their mission could take and many implausible ones as well.
“Got it!” Natalie exclaimed, quickly followed by a sign of relief. The smirks of joy quickly spread across every face in the room as they realized they now had a huge advantage.
Oh god what is this?? XD
We're playing a video game of some sort. Nichole looks like she's winning, Anna's laughing at us, Jennifer is betting money on the outcome, Suzy's being cool, Laura's threatening Natalie with a knife, and Monica's hanging out with Pluto. Oh god, I'm tired XD It's sooo ugly......
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Train
Laura, Johnny, and her mom escaping from [spoiler] on a train.
Please excuse the anatomy and perspective XD
Laura's Past
This is a bit of a work-in-progress. Disregard any grammar mistakes, or any awkward wording. I'll fix those later when I'm a bit more alert XD I'll eventually add more, but I don't want this post to be too long. I'm guessing that I'm about ten and Johnny is about eight.
It had happened again. Laura knew it as soon as she walked through the front door of her house. Everything was eerily silent and her parents were nowhere to be seen. She went into the kitchen and discovered the table and chairs had been overturned and scattered about the room. Moving more quickly now, Laura walked into the bedroom she shared with her little brother. A note had been stuck on her pillowcase. It was in her mother’s handwriting; “pick up Johnny and meet me at the Corner Café.” Laura crumpled the note in her hand and slipped it into her pocket. She whirled around the house, grabbing all the cash she could find and stuffing it into a backpack. She began walking at a brisk pace to the local elementary school.
She stormed into the after school program room, snatched Johnny’s hand, and dragged him towards the door. The young woman who was in charge of watching the children stood up and began to protest, but Laura swerved around her and kept walking. Keeping a firm grip on her brother’s hand, Laura continued down the sidewalk and eventually reached the Corner Café. She found her mother sitting on a barstool, head resting on the back wall of the small café. As soon as Laura reached her mother, all the energy that had been keeping her going since she had entered the house drained out of her. Her mother jerked awake and shakily put her arms around her children, her family.
Together they walked to the local train station, and Laura’s mother purchased one adult ticket and two children’s tickets. “Where are we going mommy?” Laura asked sleepily, rubbing her tired eyes.
“Far away,” her mother answered, and Laura left it at that.
Laura happily took the seat near the window on the train and immediately pressed her nose up against the Plexiglas to look outside. Laura’s mother kept Johnny in her lap, even though he was getting much too old for that. Eventually both Johnny and her mother fell asleep, and Laura turned from the window to study them. On her mother’s left shoulder, the one closest to her, there was a livid bruise that was just beginning to spread. Five finger marks could clearly be seen on her mother’s smooth skin. Laura frowned a bit at that sight, and then put her head down on the armrest in between the two seats and fell asleep.
When they reached their destination, her mother found a small motel and tucked her children into the bed. For weeks the small family traveled around, moving from motel to motel, using their meager supply of money on food. Eventually, Laura’s mother got a job working as a clerk in a grocery store. They rented a single room of an apartment from a local gardener who couldn’t afford the rent by himself. Both the gardener and their mother were gone all day long, so Laura and Johnny had to amuse themselves by wandering the local neighborhood. One morning Johnny wasn’t feeling very well, so Laura’s mom decided to stay home to care for him. She told Laura to watch him while she made some soup in the small kitchen. Laura was sitting with her brother in the corner of the room when she heard the door open. She figured the gardener was home early, so she disregarded it right away. Suddenly the sound of her mother’s scream pierced the air and the pot banged on the floor with a sickening sloshing sound. Laura jumped up and ran to the kitchen, her brother trailing behind her on weak legs.
Standing over their mother, in the middle of the tiny apartment kitchen, stood their father. He had a thick, black handgun gripped in his hand. He looked deliberately at the children, smiled, and then fired two rounds into their mother’s chest. Laura gasped and began sobbing, pushing Johnny behind her. Their father grinned at their frightened expressions and fired another quick shot into their mother’s forehead. “What were you thinking, trying to run away?” the hated voice floated through the air to Laura’s ears that were still ringing from the sound of the gunshots. He advanced on them, gun hand outstretched, pointed at them. Laura began edging around him, keeping Johnny behind her. “Honestly. You must have known I would find you.” Images of this evil man throwing her mother around flooded her vision. How could this have happened to her mother? Her sweet, loving mother?
Laura backed up until she could feel the silverware drawer touching her right arm. While her father continued to gloat about his kill, Laura silently slipped a large, sharp steak knife from its place in the drawer. “And now,” her father said, advancing on them, “it’s your turn.” He pointed the gun directly at Laura’s head. In one swift movement, she swiped the knife across the delicate tendons on her father’s wrist. He screamed in agony and collapsed on the ground, clutching his hand. The gun clattered to the floor. Police sirens could be heard outside. All Laura could see now was red. The red of her father’s blood and her mother’s blood mingling on the kitchen floor. The last thing she could remember before she lost consciousness was that their blood should never have mixed. Even if it meant she should never have existed.
The Po-po
This is why I don't draw guys. They all look the same DX
It's supposed to be Doug, Arend, and Daniel, buut.........yeah. Don't judge.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Based on Laura's "Rope Doodle" Part 1
This is just the beginning. Mostly, i kind of want to make sure it makes sense before i keep writing. This is based on a convoluted story i made up as the background of Laura's "Rope Doodle"
Nichole stormed into the penthouse that served as their headquarters at the head of the pack, as always. She bellowed for Natalie, who supposedly arrived ten minutes ahead of them. Monica began and continued to spew apologies until Pluto, being as overly sensitive to his owner’s emotions as he was, wrapped himself around her ankle, begging for attention. The rest of the team settled violently into the luxurious chairs and sofas around the room, all wondering the same thing, “What happens next?”
They had never screwed up quite so badly before. Monica had accidentally triggered a security alarm no one knew about and forced them to clear out of their intended target before they were able to get rid of any forensic evidence. Despite their current state of panic, knowing every piece of evidence they had left behind gave them a distinct advantage. Being professional criminals also gave them a distinct advantage but they all assumed that.
While Nichole stormed around the room, waiting for Natalie to arrive, everyone’s doubts and fear began to grow. The adrenaline from their quick and clumsy flight was wearing off and terrifying visions of the uncertainty lying ahead took its place. Most of the evidence left behind was fairly damning and the whole team knew that the police were eager to convict them of anything.
When Natalie finally arrived, Anna was close on her tail and the tension in the air could have suffocated anybody unfamiliar with the scenario at hand. In their typical fashion, no one said a word until they had all assured themselves, to the best of their ability, that these were indeed members of the team and not imposters. Natalie immediately getting through the security system on their computer was their first big hint.
“What do you need me to do?” She smiled innocently, trying to ignore the fact she was undeniably about to commit several felonies.
The F-Team.
Mission: Get attacked by Doug’s dogs.
They rode the elevator to the top floor, burying themselves in waves of whispered curses. Nichole and Suzy were openly furious, while Laura and Jennifer kept their sentiments to themselves despite their anger and fear being palpable. Monica kept her head down and her thoughts to herself in order to not provoke anyone more than she already had. Her actions were the reason for the failure of their previous mission and the cause of their current predicament.
Nichole stormed into the penthouse that served as their headquarters at the head of the pack, as always. She bellowed for Natalie, who supposedly arrived ten minutes ahead of them. Monica began and continued to spew apologies until Pluto, being as overly sensitive to his owner’s emotions as he was, wrapped himself around her ankle, begging for attention. The rest of the team settled violently into the luxurious chairs and sofas around the room, all wondering the same thing, “What happens next?”
They had never screwed up quite so badly before. Monica had accidentally triggered a security alarm no one knew about and forced them to clear out of their intended target before they were able to get rid of any forensic evidence. Despite their current state of panic, knowing every piece of evidence they had left behind gave them a distinct advantage. Being professional criminals also gave them a distinct advantage but they all assumed that.
While Nichole stormed around the room, waiting for Natalie to arrive, everyone’s doubts and fear began to grow. The adrenaline from their quick and clumsy flight was wearing off and terrifying visions of the uncertainty lying ahead took its place. Most of the evidence left behind was fairly damning and the whole team knew that the police were eager to convict them of anything.
Knowing that they were relatively screwed didn’t stop anyone from trying to think up ways out of the punishment that awaited them. Jennifer’s plan involved a cunning and patience that none of them possessed. Monica’s involved enough explosives to put the entire police force out of commission and draw the attention of most of the country, which would for sure get them caught. But these unrealistic plans plus the rest of the outrageous plans everyone had formed would come together, like they always did, and form a very near flawless plan that would save their collective asses.
When Natalie finally arrived, Anna was close on her tail and the tension in the air could have suffocated anybody unfamiliar with the scenario at hand. In their typical fashion, no one said a word until they had all assured themselves, to the best of their ability, that these were indeed members of the team and not imposters. Natalie immediately getting through the security system on their computer was their first big hint.
“What do you need me to do?” She smiled innocently, trying to ignore the fact she was undeniably about to commit several felonies.
Suzy in the park
This is just my crappy interpretation of Suzy's background story. She's huddled under a picnic bench with the blanket she found. D:
Gangster's Paradise
Random ugly table. I suppose it's one of the houses Jennifer used to go to to play poker. Who knows. (gotta love those details on the cards XD)
Suzy's Origin Part 1
ya, I'm not a writer, but this was stuck in my head and I had to put it on paper so here ya go:
“Why me? Why me?” was the only thing Suzy could think as she fled the small house. Another gunshot exploded behind her and she ran faster, tears streaming down her face. To be honest they hadn’t been great parents. However, unconditional love is strong in 9 year olds and she looked past the drunkenness, the beatings, the swearing, dirty living conditions, and meager food. It had never occurred to her that things could escalate so fast as she hid behind the couch until the gun was drawn, and then she ran. Sirens wailed past her as she slowed her escape. She hadn’t been wearing shoes when she left and three blocks later, as the adrenaline drained from her system she noticed her feet throbbed from rocks sunken into the soles.
Panic slowly set in. She had no family outside her parents and not really any friends since her parents wouldn’t allow her to regularly attend school. Basically, she had just become very alone in a very big world. After pulling the rocks out of her feet she walked on at a more thoughtful pace. She wasn’t particularly worried about the cold because the early spring was getting warmer, but food and a place to stay were prominent in her mind. She had heard of orphanages, but one they didn’t seem like particularly nice places according to Mr. Dickens and two she had no idea where to find one. She walked quickly through a park still trying to figure a way out of her mess when a thought struck her.
Nearby a family was having a picnic and a dog had jumped onto the bench and stolen a burger patty. The family laughed as an older man, who must’ve been the dad, pushed the dog off the bench. “If a dog could do it she could too” she thought and waited, watching for her chance. After a while they got up and unpacked a football and moved off a distance to start playing catch. Even the woman, who must’ve been their mom, got involved and helped the smallest child, who was a little girl in a blue dress, catch the ball. The game slowly got more involved and a bit rougher and at a huge touchdown Suzy took her chance and ran, ducking under the picnic table. Her breath caught in her throat as she waited for someone to say something; someone to raise an alarm that an intruder had entered their happy family.
After a minute she exhaled slowly; she was safe. She poked her hand out from under the tablecloth and grabbed a hotdog sticking off the plate. Even without appropriate topping which would’ve been impossible to get from under the table it tasted delicious and whetted an appetite she didn’t realize she had. After eating her fill she sneaked out from under the table and sprinted towards a line of trees. As the sun set she found herself a soft peace of ground and settled down. She tried to convince herself it would be a lot like camping, but the lonely girl jumped at every sound and shivered well into the night before finally falling into an uneasy sleep.
The next two weeks followed much the same pattern and Suzy quickly adapted to her new life. During the day she stole food from picnickers with a tenacity that surprised even herself, and during the night huddled under an old forgotten blanket. The first day of April woke her rudely as a wet droplet hit her squarely in the forehead causing her to lurch to her feet. Sporadic droplets rapidly changed into a downpour and quick thinking led her to run into the local library. It had been a happy place before the “incident” as she had come to call that day in her head. Books had always held a special meaning as tools to escape her less than perfect life. She spent the day happily looking through old friends, but the whole time a thought nagged at her head that the rain wasn’t letting up and she couldn’t stay there forever. She was the last one out as the doors closed at 9 o’clock and she stood under the brick overhang sullenly staring at the water as it washed away the world.
Suzy walked back to the park quickly, staying under cover as much as possible, but when she got to the open fields of the park there wasn’t much she could do and she couldn’t get much wetter as she squashed through the sodden grass. Deciding it would be a little dryer under a picnic table she crawled under the closest one and rolled herself into a ball in her ragged blanket. She nodded off listening to the rain splattering onto the wood table and her empty stomach growling.
“Oh my god, she’s dead!” The scream pierced her dreams and for the second day in a row she lurched to her feet . This time there was a considerably hard object over her head and she crashed against it and landed harshly back down. She sat in a daze until another scream sent her bolting out from under the table and across the field. Looking behind her she caught the drift of what was happening. A maintenance worker in an orange vest was standing, staring agape after her from next to the picnic table and several people were running over to check out what was going on. Two of the curious onlookers went chasing after the poor 9 year old. Cops didn’t take well to finding small children sleeping under picnic tables and wanted to correct the situation, 9 year old don’t take well to being chased after and also worked to correct the situation running even faster into the shade of trees to lose herself.
10 feet in a voice called down from above her “up here”. The voice had a hand attached and taking the proffered hand she hauled herself up the tree. Not long after the two blue uniforms ran past her perch farther into the park. “Ha, Damn Coppers! Go chase your tails elsewhere!” her rescuer stuck his tongue out at the fleeting backs. Her rescuer was about her age and had short, crazy curly, brown hair. “thankyou” she said offering her hand to the youth, but before they could shake she was racked with a coughing fit that almost sent her out of the tree, not helped by the sudden light headedness she felt. She clung onto the tree and lowered herself to the ground, so that the ground wouldn’t come up to meet her first. “You alright?” the young man asked. “ I don’t feel so good” she answered breathing deeply. “I’ll take you to my mom. She’ll know how to help. My dad always says to help people out cause ya never know when you’ll need a favor and then they’ll owe you and all. “ He talked amicably and quickly as he lead her across to the other side of the park. Suzy had never been over to this side and across from the park sat a huge house. “Oh, by the way, I’m Alan.” He added as an afterthought to his considerable narrative about needing help if zombies were to attack and all. “Suzy” she replied staggering along behind him.
Alan slammed the door behind them as they entered the mansion like abode. “Young man what did you think you were doing leaving this house this early! You should be getting ready for school. How dare you be so…” The woman towered in front of the two youngsters. In all fairness she was only about five and half feet tall, but she could still tower over the two children. Her graying hair was clean cut, but friendly and her plump exterior gave her the impression of happily well-off in life. At the moment though, she was shocked for the first time in 15 years at the pale, ghost like child with unfocused eyes standing slumped behind her youngest son. “Mommy look who I found” Alan interjected into the pause, “Her name’s Suzy. She doesn’t feel so good so I thought you could make her better!” He smiled innocently up at his mother.
The caregiver knelt in front of Suzy and ran a well practiced hand over her forehead as she clucked apprehensively, “You’re burning up dear, where do you live? We need to get you home and to a doctor.” “She was being chased by coppers just cause she was sleeping under a table. I mean it’s a public park ain’t it?” Alan blabbered on in the background. Alan’s mom looked sadly down at the little ghost, “Sleeping under a table, were ya dear? To think in this weather. Well best get ya to bed. We’ll get ya all better. Albert get down here. I need a hand. “ She called up the stairs leading off the main entry. A stocky Irishman strode down the stairs, “what is it dear? Oh my.” He paused at the foot of the stairs looking at the pale child. “Help me get her to bed” The portly woman cajoled. The sturdy man picked up the twig of humanity and carried her delicately up the stairs. Suzy fell asleep in his arms.
Rope Doodle
Haha, I don't even know what this is. Nichole and Jennifer are sneaking in somewhere and run into Sherbert and Spike, I guess.....
Anna and her Heli
More doodles. I used Nichole's helicopter design for this :D The colors on my laptop are really messed up, so I apologize if it looks hideous DX
Friday, August 5, 2011
Doug Doodle
This is why I don't draw guys....Anyway, this is Doug with Sherbet, Spike, Pluto, Sir, Bee, and Russ. Aka Doug plus our whole cast of animals (so far). Sorry it's so messy, but the drugs won't let me draw smoothly XD. plus I'm lazy and will probably end up doing more drawings like this.
Oh god, so ugly D:
Doug's dogs,
Monica's cat,
Monica's rats,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Alex and Uyenie Bios

Age: 19
Ethnicity: Japanese
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5'8
Education: Home schooled
Job: Hotel owner
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Hand made ramen
Worst Fear: Classified
He has an unknown history, but he some how made it on top to be a young prodigy, owning a Five diamond hotel.
Uyenie (left)
Age: 28
Ethnicity: Vietnamese
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5'4
Education: Some college
Job: Stay home mom
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Bún Bò Huẽ
Worst Fear: Roaches
She was born with two happy parents. At age 13, she was called in for a babysitting job and met Alex for the first time. She continued to babysit him until she was age 19, but then he went on an extended vacation and was not seen for years. She went to a community college and learned to be a plumber. For several years, she was living homeless trying to live life as a plumber, sadly she was lousy at plumbing. One day, she received a regular call to fix a heater. When she opened the door, it turned out to be Alex. She moved into his house and later got married. She now has a year old baby girl, Minami Phuong, and does not have to work at all.
Sherbe(r)t and Spike
Sherbet the female German Shepherd, and Spike the male Toy Poodle. I don't remember whether they're police dogs or just Doug's dogs. Also, my computer insists that the word is "sherbet", not "sherbert". I'm not really sure about that.....
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Minami Phuong

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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