Friday, October 21, 2011
Wedding Picture

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Alex and Uyenie Back Story Part 7 (The Proposal Part 4)
So we went down the lower levels, it seems all the cool things are at the underground levels. Into a room, he led me. Gosh, the room was covered in this weird design, like hi-tech and stuff.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“We’re in the virtual reality room,” he said with a smirk. I guess he was real proud of it.
“A what??? How did you get…? And is that even…? How does it even…? What? A virtual reality room?” He just continued to stare at me, smiling.
“Here, let me show you,” he said, wrapping his arm around me. Suddenly, the ground turned into the deep blue water; the sun came blazing out; the sky was blue, and we were stranded in the middle of the ocean.
I couldn’t stop screaming and flailing around. How did we get stuck in the middle of the ocean? Am I going to die? Alex, throughout all of this, was calm, laughed a little even. He still had his arm around me and brought me closer to him, so I would calm down.
“Uyenie! Uyenie! Stay calm,” he hushed me while hugging tighter. I stopped moving. Somehow we were floating. He looked at me, wiped some hair out of my face, and smiled.
“Remember, this is a virtual reality room. We’re not really in the middle of the ocean,” he explained, “Come swim to the bottom with me.” He took my hand and dragged me do the sea floor. I was wiggling around, knowing I can’t breathe! “Uyenie! Uyenie! Breathe! This is a virtual reality room! You can do anything!” he calmed me down. I took a breath, no water! It was like flying!
As we swam by, a school a fish passed us. The water was shimmering on the ground. It was magical! And to top it off, Alex was right in front of me, holding my hand. He looked back at me, a little worried. I gave him a smile to signal I was okay. I guess he’s always worrying about me, which is kind of ironic I guess. Back a long time ago, I used to take care of him, and now he takes care of me. Do I feel any shame in that? No! Dude, man, I have one of the wealthiest, no, THE wealthiest person in this city taking care of me and making me happy. Back then though, I felt like a burden to him.
He turned and asked me, “So where do you want to do now?” He smiled and raised his eyebrows just like he does.
“I don’t know…. You take me somewhere,” I told him.
“I want to do whatever you want to do,” he said staring at me, wanting. I told him that I have no idea what this place can do. So he got us to wash up on the beach.
He set up a fire and we watched the sunset, sitting side by side. When it got dark, he said that he was going to go get more firewood, since the fire was dying. Then suddenly, it began to snow. More wind started blowing in my face. The sea froze into hill of snow, and I was in the middle of a blizzard. Freaked out, I started shouting for Alex. How am I supposed to survive in this weather without him? Where did he go? Is he even alright?
Then I see this lurking figure in the distance. Is that him? The figure started walking closer to me, crunching the snow. I was shivering cold. It was like a bizarre dream! The figure walked into some light. Thank God, it was Alex! He was wearing snow gear and looked down at me sadly.
“Are you cold?” he said quite upset. I stared up at him, sitting on the ground, shivering. He took of his jacket and handed it to me. Oh gosh it was warm. It was like being cuddled with love. He directed me to a little log cabin.
It was so homey in there. There was a fire in the living room, a tiny kitchen, and a bedroom. I didn’t even need the jacket anymore. He showed me to the extra cushiony couch right in front of the fire. I sat there, nesting myself in the couch. He came out, holding two mugs.
“Do you want some hot chocolate? In this room, we can trick our senses,” he started some small talk.
“Trick our senses? What do you mean?” I took the mug.
“Like, we’re not actually drinking hot chocolate, but you can smell it,” he says, holding up his mug. Then it disappears. “You’re not drinking anything at all.” He paused and recreated his mug, staring at it. “I never had hot chocolate. This is the best I can come up with in its place.”
“You’ve NEVER had hot chocolate??? My gosh! We got to get some sometime!” I was shocked! And it became quiet, a little awkward actually.
We stared into the fire, sitting a pretty normal distance from each other. No one said anything. Fire was moving, cracking, dancing. It burned and grew, flailing its flames around like a tempered child with a yoyo. It was red! It was passionate! The heat! The heat! I couldn’t take it anymore! Turned and looked at him. He was just staring at the fire. His face so nicely formed. You can see his jaw bone. His eyelashes were so long and pretty. He just stared at the fire. Then he noticed I was looking at him. He turned with his questioning face. Oh, he was so cute. I couldn’t help it! I quickly leaned over and kissed him.
What was I doing? He’s only seventeen! Now I’m leading him on! I immediately pushed away.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what just happened. That was a mistake,” I stared at the ground.
He looked up at me and said, “Hey, I wanted it.” He touched my face and came for another kiss. No! This can’t be happening!
“No! This can’t be happening! I’m sorry! I’m just going to leave.” I started walking out to the door. “Um, how do I get out of this virtual reality room?” He looked sad and then the scenery changed back into the room we first started in, with all the dots. He pointed at the door.
As I walked out, Alex had set up a little grassy cliff overlooking the ocean. He sat there and stared into the deep sea. I was nearing the door, but I couldn’t leave him like that. I walked over to him.
I sat down beside him. I didn’t say anything.
He began talking, “It’s just, when I first saw you about a month ago, I couldn’t believe it, but in some way, I knew. Ever since you left and told me we’d meet each other, I never gave hope. I already lost you once, and I didn’t want to lose you again. You were the only person who was there.” I sat there and listened to him rant about us then I realized something. I love him. Why am I pushing him away? He’s like, no he IS the best thing I’ve ever found.
“Yes,” I said.
He continued, “My parents were never there. You raised me and loved me.”
“Yes,” I said again.
“My life is just so perfect and bland. It’s the same routine, no passion. But you came, and gave me something to live for.”
“Yes!” I said, becoming impatient. Was he deaf?
“You’re always so different, giving flavor and cheers to everything. I don’t want to imagine life without you. I—”
“Yes! I’ll marry you!” I shouted at him with such joy and hugged him. He sat there, shocked, happy. Then he looked at me. I looked back at him, looking the cutest I can. He smiled and reached into his pocket, pulled out the ring, and placed it onto my finger.
Alex and Uyenie Back Story Part 6 (The Proposal Part 3)
The next morning, I woke up. I couldn’t sleep because of last night. Oh! He looked so sad! I had to reject him, you know? He was only seventeen! He was still a minor! Plus his life was so perfect. I was afraid I was going to ruin everything. I wished that I could have just left his life already, but there was no hope for me in the world without him.
So, I felt really bad about what happened. It was for his own good, you know? I got ready and left the room to go down to the lobby. He wasn’t there.
I asked the person at the front desk where he was. They directed me to his office. Why didn’t I look there? I knocked on the door. I hear some papers rustling. “Oh, um, come in!” I heard his voice coming from within. I guess he thought I was a guest complaining. Did he not expect to see me today?
I walked in. He tried to look like he was doing paperwork. Once I walked in he looked up and his eyebrows rose so cutely, just as they do.
“What’s up?” he said, acting as if yesterday never happened. I sat down.
“Um, I’m sorry about last night. I had a great time yesterday though! You were really charming, and any girl’s lucky to have you,” I didn’t want to leave it at last night. I continued to explain why I didn’t want to marry him, or definitely not yet. He nodded, but never looked at me. “But maybe someday, you can convince me. It’s just, right now isn’t a good time. Here, lighten up. Do you want some breakfast?” I offered him a second chance.
“Um, sure. Where are we going?” He was confused that I was in charge this time. I took him back to his own room. Why not have a cheap home-made breakfast? So I led him to the kitchen.
“You have eggs and soy sauce and baguettes and pepper, right? We’re gonna make something my parents used to feed me long ago, back when we were actually happy” I informed him of my plan. Back when I was babysitting him, we used to do this all the time.
About fifteen minutes later, the toaster oven is on fire, there is raw yoke everywhere, and we’re sitting on the floor with one perfect plate of eggs sunny-side up and soy sauce with a side of bread.
“You, sir, cannot open eggs. How can you not crack open eggs? Didn’t you learn from like the best cooking schools in France?”
“So….” He puckered his lips in that cute way he does. “You’re the one who had to make food for yourself every day, how did you set the toaster oven on fire?”
“Hey! I don’t know how to use your fancy, overheating tools!” He was staring at me, wanting. I panicked and immediately took a fork full of egg and stuff it in his mouth.
“At least it tastes good,” he said with his boyish smile. We quickly ate the plate of eggs which meant we were just sitting on the floor, shoulders touching.
“Uyenie, you have something on your face.” Before I could try to get it off myself, he held my face in his hand and wiped it off. With his hand still on my face he stared at me, still wanting. He leaned in, shut his eyes, and kissed me.
Oh gosh! My heart was beating so much! No! I can’t do this! I pushed him away.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” He looked away. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want him to be sad.
“It’s okay,” I muttered out, “What do you want to do today?” He looked up at me with hope. I guess after that act, he thought that I would think he was some monster who couldn’t control his urges. It was just a kiss though. Only God knows how many kisses I’ve given to people!
“I have something in mind. Come,” he said in a suspicious way. I was getting a little scared. He held out his hand and waited, looking longingly at me. It’s one of those, do you trust me thing, ripped off from Aladdin. I took his hand.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Monica, Anna, and Nichole
Building Doodles
Short Update
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Hyacinth Towers Incident Part 1
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
How Monica and Nichole Met Part 1
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Monica, Anna and Nichole Backstory...
The bar was filled with young, desperate men. Anna, though tough (and indifferent) wasn't used to this crowd. She had lived a life of discipline; Both her parents had been involded in the armed forces, though her mother's airforce background had influenced Anna the most. She looked around the filthy bar, trying to comprehend what she imagined the rest of her life to look like. She hadn't meant to punch the lieutenant for his remark, but at the same time, her pride wouldn't have let her walk away from the discrimmination, the sexism, without making a stand. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked hard. Anna twirled around, more surprised than anything. A young man, maybe in his mid 20's, stared drunkenly at her. It was impossible to mistake the intent in his eyes... He could barely keep his eyes on her smooth face. Anna felt the usual anger build up, but she surpressed it. It was a miracle she hadn't been jailed for the incident at the naval ship, and she didn't want her life to sink to a brand new low just hours after her dishonorable discharge. Just as she turned back towards the bar, Anna saw a fist launch into the man's face, and heard a drunken yelp. Standing above the man was a woman, wearing boots and a striped shirt, glaring angrily at the now unconscious face. Anna was shocked: Who was this girl, and what possessed her to punch this, annoying but potentially harmeless man?
The mysterious girl saved Anna the awkwardness of asking those questions. "Can you believe that jerk? Sorry, but he was making a move for you... And it didn't look like you wanted to get involved. Oh, I'm Nichole. Who are you?"
"oh, umm, I'm Anna."
"Anna? Oh, ok. Hey, let me introduce you to my friend Monica. Hey, Monica!"
With that, a tall, bookish lady walked over from accross the room. She seemed timid to Anna, yet she possesed a calm, sure quality about herself. No one could mess with her. She sat on the other side of Nichole, and barely mumbled a 'hello' at Anna.
"So, how are you? That guy'll be fine... He'll wake up in an hour maybe, but he'll have a huge headache."
Anna carefully considered her answer. She had no idea who these people were, and the one called Nichole seemed kinda violent. "Well, I just lost my... Uh, job."
"Oh, that's not good."
"Yea, I know."
Anna searched her brain for something to say. Turning to Monica, she asked, "So, do you fight too?" As soon as she said it, Anna knew it was a stupid thing to say. The shock on both of their faces temporarily impeded their abilities to speak. Finally, Monica mumbled, "No... No, I work with explosives..."
Anna wasn't sure if she was joking, but the surprise and anger that crossed Nichole's face implied that Monica spoke the truth. "What?!!? Why on earth did you tell her that? Oh God..."
"What? Explosives? Why is that bad? I like explosives... I think."
Monica took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "Well, umm.. Well, I kinda, I kinda..."
Nichole, with a much more controlled tone, slowly muttered "Ok, Anna, don't panic. Walk with us, we're going outside."
An hour later, Anna stared at her companions through the screen that separeted the front seats from the back seats in their ford van. Everything they had told her was, well, surprising and illegal, to say the least. Nichole and Monica were rogue soldiers of fortune. They traveled from motel to hotel, searching out any scum that the cops had missed. "It certaintly explained why Nichole punched that drunk guy." Anna thought. They had asked her to join their outfit, to become a warrior in the fight against social injustice. Anna might have said no.. She knew she would have walked away, except that she had no job, no means of supporting herself. Nichole and Monica, on the other hand, were filthy rich. Once Anna had told them her real story, including the airforce incident, they begged her to be their pilot. "What the hell? Its a paying job, right?" she thought.
As the car slowly rolled to a stop, Anna saw a filthy hotel light flicker. Nichole opened her door, and frowned slightly. "I know this isn't a 5 star resort, but places like these are full of jerks that the cops are too stupid to catch. This is where we find most of our targets."
"I see..."
Monica spoke up for the first time in over an hour. "You better get some sleep. We're going to hit up a nice resort tomorrow-this guy two rooms over said he's going to unload a bunch of drugs in room 217 of some resort... I think its owned by the millionare they call 'Alex'."
Anna nodded. She knew she had made a dramatic choice earlier. Never again would she fly in the air force.. Now, she was working with two dangerous women who, in fact, detested the military, or at least the American military system. She supposed she could get used to it, this new life she picked up in a bar. She would have to, she couldn't back out now. She sighed, took one last look at the ford van, and walked into her hotel room. "A drug bust at Alex's hotel? What did I get myself into?" She thought. "Well, it doesn't matter... Get a good night's sleep, don't think about it..." Little did she know, one little drug bust would change the course of her entire life.
I severely apologize for all the errors... Its like 11:46 or something & I'm super tired :p